Monday, February 11, 2008

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: Who should I support?

For me, it is hard to support one over the other because of their very similar platforms. I like and could support either of them for reasons that are alike, and reasons that differ. I walked into the voting booth on Super Tuesday not knowing who I would (or should) vote for, even though I had been using every free second I could gathering information that I had hoped would put a clearer picture in my head of what was the right vote for me.

For my life and my future, I would love to live through the progression for women that would certainly take place if Hillary is our next president - being taken more seriously in the workplace, not being passed up for promotions/raises because of our anatomy, and even being treated better and with more equality within our homes.

I also think about my son, and the progression that could come for his life and his future if Barack is our next president. Although he is mixed (as Barack is), society labels him as black, and he will be treated "black" throughout his life if we as a society continue on the same path of fear and ignorance. I have seen and experienced the looks and comments that are directed at my family, and maybe if people see a black figure of positive power and eloquence, the stereotypes that I foresee plaguing him will diminish.

For me, as a mother, the latter is more important, which is why on February 5th, I placed my vote in the New York State primary for Barack Obama. I will strongly support whomever gets the nomination, but as a mother, my vote is for my son's future, his comfort and his ability to navigate freely through society without labels. I see Barack Obama as my son's first chance.

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