Monday, February 4, 2008

What are you voting for?

Our choices now on who the next president will be will have implications for years and decades to come. It will affect the way that our children grow up. Why are so many people so close-minded or brainwashed or just plain off the rocker, that they let politicians, especially the Republican/conservative candidates, guide them to the voting booth with issues such as religion, abortion or whether gay people should have the right to get married? We need to focus on the bigger issues - how are you going to make Americans lives better? Are you going to give everyone health care? Are you going to start raising taxes on companies who are sending jobs overseas? How are you going to protect me? After all, you are supposed to be my president, my government. For the People, not for the corporations, and certainly not for lining your own pockets with oil money while ruining this country's economy.

We have the choice to elect someone who will work to fix things for the regular person, or to put someone in office who will continue on the same path we've been for the past 8 years.

I'm scared to know how much damage has really been done in the time that Bush has been our president, since the government is virtually never honest about the things that are going on until long after they have happened, and even then, they hide what they need to. Scary thought that Bush has put us all in a much worse position than we are already aware of.

For me, it is important to have someone in office who does not want to continue the war. In my point of view, it is a huge waste of my money that is making a small group of people very rich. On top of that, it is ruining the lives of young people who had no idea what they were getting into, and ruining the lives of families who are being separated. Many are reservists who hold regular jobs or small businesses of their own and being sent away is literally draining them and leaving them with nothing to come home to. Along with this, gas will continue to get more and more expensive, which in turn makes all of our utility prices go up and grocery prices as well....all of this means the regular working class American will never be able to get ahead. We will be boxed in with no where to turn. If we are not careful, we will end up with a government that makes all of our choices for us.

Not to even get into the huge mess that we have made of another country. Yes, I know, Suddam Hussein was not a good person. But can anyone honestly say to me that the people of Iraq are better off now than they were before we invaded and turned their lives upside down?

If all of the money that is being used to fund the war each week was spent to repair some of the devastating problems that people within our own borders face each day, we would be a much healthier, happier and prosperous people. We could potentially house every person who is homeless within our borders, feed every hungry person and rebuild our cities and towns that have been devastated by natural disasters. That money could also be put to good use protecting our own country from future attacks that are most certainly being planned against us right now by all of the new enemies we have made in the last eight years with Bush as our president. If there were to be a major strike against the US right now, I fear that our government would be unable to protect us. How could they, with the great majority of our military deployed or stationed elsewhere in the world and with almost all of our equipment and weapons with them.

So what will you choose to vote for? The future or the past? For the people or for the corporations? What will you base your votes on? Will it be the issues that matter, or the issues that they use to distract us and spread hatred among us? Choose wisely, as you may very well have to pay for your choice for the rest of your life.

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